Regn No 074/1993
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Rural development usually relates to the method of enhancing the quality of life and financial well-being of an individual specifically living in populated and remote areas.

Traditionally rural development is centred on the misuse of land-intensive natural resources such as forestry and agriculture. But today, increasing urbanization and change in global production, networks have transformed the nature of rural areas.

Today, rural development still remains the core of the overall development of the country. It has become more than two-thirds of the country’s people is dependent on agriculture for their livelihood and one-third of rural India is still below the poverty line. Therefore, it is important for the government to be productive and provide enough facility to upgrade their standard of living.

Rural development is a complete term that concentrates on the action taken for the development of rural areas improves the village economy. However, few areas that demand more focused attention and new initiatives are.

  • Education to all
  • Entrepreneurial development and create employment opportunity
  • Infrastructure Development (Like electricity, irrigation, etc.)
  • Public Health and Sanitation
  • Women Empowerment
  • Facilities for agriculture extension and research
  • Availability of Credit



Rural development is important not only for the majority of the population residing in a rural area but the growth of rural activities is necessary to stimulate the speed of overall economic expansion of the nation.

Rural development is pretended to be noticeable importance in the country today than in the olden days in the process of the evolution of the nation. It is a strategy trying to obtain improved rural creation and productivity, higher socio-economic equality, and ambition, stability in social and economic development.

The primitive task is to decrease the famine roughly about 70% of the rural population, implement sufficient and healthy food. Later, serve fair equipment of clothing and footwear, a clean environment and house, medical attention, recreational provision, education, transport, and communication.



To improve the quality of human resource in rural areas by improving the literacy rate, women and children education, Skill development and Industrial training etc.,

To focus on the action for the development of areas those are lagging behind in the overall development of the village economy.

To develop rural entrepreneurs and quick employment possibilities arrange loan facility to the interested educated youth for starting Start-ups.

To guarantee to increase the standard of living of the underprivileged population

To research and develop agriculture activities with the development of agriculture, extension of rural education will contribute to the betterment of rural areas and rural people

To involve the rural people in planning and development through their participation indecision making and through decentralization of administration

To Strengthen and develop existing Agricultural Markets in addition to the establishing new Agricultural Markets.

To develop Infrastructure building activity related to the growth of irrigation, uninterrupted electricity, transport, communications, and safe drinking water, sanitation and primary health facilities.


To create awareness periodical programs will be conducted to teach them about importance of clean and green environment and requirement of proper sanitation.

To help to provide Life Insurance and crop insurance to all the farmers who are actually performing agriculture.

To co-ordinate with Government bodies to provide free of cost all required inputs like quality seeds, fertilizers and pesticides etc.

To arrange government loans and bank finance facilities to purchasing Tractors, Electric Motor Water Pumps etc. on subsidy.

To create awareness periodical programmes to improve agricultural production and marketing should be organized.

To educate them with updated information on policies related to land tenure, agricultural output, prices etc. should be provided to the farmers.

To provide Special training programmes for rural entrepreneurs in particular and in general for rural population should be arranged by the Government to improve their knowledge and vocational skills.


To develop the women economic empowerment skill development programs will be conducted, necessary training and support will be provided to develop small business like retails shop, Milk centre, Flour mill, Poultry and production of organic products etc.,


To design a project for better utilization of Local Resources like water, mines like Iron and granites to create and provide the employment for the local community.

To Establish Rural Industries: The industries come under the following broad categories:

  • Agro Based Industries: Sugar industries, Jiggery, Oil processing from oil seeds, Pickles, Fruit juice, Spices, Dairy products etc.
  • Forest Based Industries: Wood products, Bamboo products, Honey, Coir industry, making eating plates from leaves.
  • Mineral based industry: Stone crushing, Cement industries, Red oxide making, wall coating powders etc.
  • Textile Industry: Spinning, Weaving, Colouring and Bleaching.
  • Engineering and Services: Tractors and Pump set repairs etc. Establishing small and medium sized industries to produce agricultural machinery, equipment for usage in rural areas
  • Handicrafts: These include making of wooden or bamboo handicrafts that are local to that area, traditional decorative products, toys and all other forms of handicrafts typical to the region.


Local composite removal services, lack of proper waste management has emerged as a big issue today. Compost Removal services can be a very profitable business in a small town and big cities alike.

To develop Service Sectors: There are a wide range of services including mobile repair, agriculture machinery servicing, etc. will be developed.

To encourage Start-ups: They are entrepreneurial ventures, which are newly emerged businesses aims to meet marketplace need, want or problem by developing a viable business model around products, services, processes or platforms.

To conduct entrepreneur skill development programme to educate and train them in Agriculture, Supply Chain, Trading in Agricultural produce, Processing Agricultural produces, Fisheries -Both Culture and Trading, Rural Micro Finance, Rural Health – Rural Primary Health Cared and Rural Education etc.

To establish and develop E-COMMERCE, Digital marketing, Computer & Internet Services, providing quality Computer Training and Repairing Services, Internet based business like Social Media Marketing, Email Marketing etc.

To develop Cluster Formation Entrepreneurship covering NGOs and SHGs even networking these groups and also cover formal and non-formal association of a group of individuals on the basis of caste, occupation, income, etc.


Cooperative Entrepreneurship – To create an autonomous association of persons united voluntarily for a common objective.

To activate better system to provide manpower, money, material, machinery, management and market to the rural population

To apply Labour Intensive Techniques: As there is disguised unemployment in our agriculture sector, labour intensive techniques should be adopted in rural industrial units.

Educate the Rural Entrepreneurs: Government and NGOs offered various schemes and opportunity to the rural entrepreneurs. But, they are unaware of these schemes and opportunities due to their illiteracy. So they should to be educated by conducting workshops and seminars related to their business.

To coordinate with the concern department and authorities to avail best benefits of the Government Schemes for Rural Entrepreneurship in India:


  • Entrepreneurship Development Institution Scheme
  • Rajiv Gandhi Udyami Mitra Yojana (RGUMY)
  • Performance and Credit Rating Scheme (Implemented through NSIC)
  • Product Development, Design Intervention and Packaging (PRODIP)
  • Khadi Karigar Janashree Bima Yojana for Khadi Artisans

To help them to get finance with low rate of interest: Financial institutions like ICICI, SIDBI, IDBI, IFCI, and SFC should provide finance to rural entrepreneurs with low rate of interest and limited collateral security with liberal terms and conditions.

To co-ordinate with Government to take steps to provide infrastructure, warehousing facilities, offer assistance to marketing and to export the goods of rural entrepreneurs to foreign countries.

To establish Innovators club should be established in villages to support the large mass of youth who are interested in taking business as a career.

To improve marketing management skills among the rural entrepreneurs to face the problems of entrepreneurship, Management training is to be imparted to create awareness of innovative spirit among the rural entrepreneurs.

To establish rural power park making use of village resources: For example, where ever there is scope for wind and solar energy, can be fully exploited for rural electrification.

To provide Micro credit schemes: Provisions should be made for micro credit system like SHGs to the rural entrepreneurs who will boost up the economic development and employment generation of the rural poor.

To approach NRIs and wealthy people of their respective villages should establish/assist rural industries.

