Regn No 074/1993
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Women’s renaissance Centre Trust is involving in various women development schemes across Tamil Nadu.  The Total project cost for this project is above 500 crores.  We believe if a woman is educated, the whole family will be educated.  Looking forward prospective donors to  co-participate in our activities.

  1. Girls Education.
  1. Crafts and Professional training for poor Women
  1. Free medical care and immunization during pregnancy.
  1. Awareness programmes for eradication of female foeticide.
  1. Psycho social support/ counseling.
  1. Counseling for widows and also for sexual  victims.                 
  1. Meritorious reward for outstanding girl students.
  1. Free Medical/Engineering and other professional courses for meritorious  poor girl students.


An increasing number of old people is a growing problem in Today’s world. As people begin to accept the nuclear family concept, the number of younger people decreases the number of old aged people increases. As a result, the number of people who need to take care them also decreases. These days a family has maximized one to two kids and they might be working in various locations. So they cannot take care of their old parents as they are not available at family.

Our project planning aims and objectives are to foster the welfare of the aged, especially the needy aged and to raise funds for the project which helps the elderly irrespective of the case and creed. To advocate and sensitize the younger generation and society and create social awareness about the issue of elderly people. Our project also aims to offer basic services in the areas of health care, nutrition, income generation and recreation.

“Bounty always receives part of its value from the manner in which it is bestowed.”

Characteristics of the aged population

  • India has a mixed population of aged with much percentage of widows in the age group which varies from sixty to 109 years.
  • Some live in sheltered homes and some stay individually
  • Their status is characterized by poor economic situations with no sustained means of income.
  • Thirty to forty percent of these people are with deteriorated health issues and depend on others for money.
  • Around ninety percent of this population are either less educated or uneducated.
  • Most of the aged widows who are in a place to work, work as house maids.
  • Around twelve to fifteen percent are depending upon donations and begging.
  • Around seven percent are getting pension from various sources.

Our program work for the cause and care of the aged persons with the ultimate aim of empowering them to take decisions pertaining to their own lives stress on income generation that enable participation of older persons in the mainstream of the society.



You must be aware of the ever rising cost of living. But have you ever heard that about one third of rural India survives on a sum of just 5k to make ends meet for their basic household? This is urban – rural divide which calls for attention. 

Rural Development in India is very easy to understand, but quite tough to implement. It targets upon the development and upliftment of the sections of rural economies, that go through poverty problems and effectively targets on developing their productivity. It also stresses the need to address different various pressing problems of village economies that hamper growth and improve these areas.

Some areas that need immediate attention of village development in India are;

  • Literacy
  • Sanitation
  • Public health
  • Female empowerment
  • Land reforms
  • Enforcement of law and order
  • Eradication of poverty
  • Availability of credit
  • Infrastructure developments, such as electricity, irrigation, etc.

“He who has never denied himself for the sake of giving, has but glanced at the joys of charity.”

Scope for improvement

  • The primary area to improve is to offer providing employment in rural areas
  • Improving the agricultural sector
  • The infrastructure of village areas must drastically improve
  • Quality education
  • Modern technologies such as Organic Farming must be included to improve the profits and outputs.
  • Access to easy loans and credit

The rural economy is an instance of an agrarian economy. But agriculture and farming are one of the essential and basic activities, the issue lies in the fact that the GDP share in the agri sector is on a stable decline. Also, about two thirds of the Population in your country depend on agriculture, which results in not up to the mark productivity, with the situation getting worse.

Also, in the year 1991, public investment declined, which also coupled with lack of needed infrastructure, employment, transport, credit, etc. Hence, the output of the agriculture has raised at only three percent in the year 2007- 2011. All these factors have been hurting the development process. Also, there is a need to target on village development and not just urban development.

It can be easily concluded, that for the development of the society in both urban and rural areas need to target upon. Villages need drastic changes in areas such as literacy, credit availability, drinking water facility, etc. The schemes that are in place already with the target of village development needs to act for the upliftment of rural India.



Finding water is a daily challenge for many. With a charitable donation, you can lift this burden. WRC aims to provide a safe and reliable water source that will unlock potential by providing time to work and study.

It is said that one in nine people still has no access to drinking water. But in WRC foundation, we serve nine out of nine. Water is a crippling and daily challenge. Without water you cannot grow food, you cannot construct buildings, you can’t stay healthy

Access to clean water improves;

  • Education – students are freed from collecting water for their daily need and they can return to class.
  • Hunger – Access to drinking water leads to food security. With less crop loss, hunger is also lessened.
  • Health – safe drinking water, clean hands and healthy bodies.
  • Poverty – Access to clean water can break down the poverty cycle.

“The unfortunate need people who will be kind to them; the prosperous need people to be kind to.”

Access to clean drinking water enhances the health of children and families. Our project aims to;

  • Ensure drinking water availability at villages
  • Ensure availability of drinking water 24/7
  • Ensure flow of drinking water on a daily basis in all the villages.

The description of the proposed activities includes; identification of ground water availability at villages, accomplishment of bore well, establishment of solar energy motor pump in bore well, the construction of over head tanks, connecting the tank into household water and street connection

Our aim is to help people to collect enough drinking water at their nearest. This will lead people to live without the lack of drinking water. It will also help people to lead a brighter future and bring great joy and peace in the families.



As per WHO, food security is defined as existing when all people at all times have access to sufficient, nutritious and safe food to maintain an active and healthy life. With booming population and seemingly every raising food prices have brought the target to Indian Government once again back on food security since the Green Revolution.

The food crisis is not just world every crisis will be global including food crisis. The world food crisis also showed us the glimpse of what is in store for human race if needed and collective steps to enhance productivity in agriculture are not taken.

The issues that surround the development of these undertaking are;

  • Reversions – some of the trained farmers might revert back to their traditional ways of farming that is conventional farming.
  • Weather conditions – Large number of our target group relies on rainfall for their agricultural activities which has of late been groped by erratic weather thus interfering with farm implementations.
  • Commercial interference – some merchants promoting their synthetic products and transgenic seeds might influence the farmers’ perception. This in many cases might happen to individual farmers who are in search for making quick gains.
  • Group disintegration – trained and sensitized community members might be unable to hold together onto their easy groupings making it hard to follow up and sharing ideas.

“The charitable give out at the door, and God puts in at the window.”

Our project content includes;

Making and using manure and compost to offer long term soil fertility, bio intensive gardening methods for soil enhancement. The methods of soil conservation are;

  • Crop rotation and farm management
  • Crop diversity – companion planting and deterrents ecological pest management
  • Agro forestry and environment conservation, husbandry, water harvesting in relation to animal welfare
  • Nutrition through promoting of high nutritional crops and indigenous food farming for the marker and organic marketing techniques.

The primary aim of our organic farming is to motivate selected organic farmers and organize them with all the needed support. WRC will enable these entities and also which strengthen the organic agriculture group activities through various modes which is the main objective of the project.
