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The Different Methods Of Organic Farming

Organic farming methods synthesize the modern technology strengths and traditional farming together with the science if ecology to create effectual agricultural techniques that make high yields of healthy crops without causing harm to the environment. It aims to maintain the natural ecological balance to the environment during the whole farming method. It eliminates all synthetic substances from the equation to arrive at organic foods which are free of chemical residues that might be risky to the health of consumers.

Genetically modified organisms are not entertained. Every decision is made precisely from the farm location to the type of seed that is to be planted.

Crop Diversity

Crop diversity is the most famous among all organic farming methods. Its also called as polyculture in which various species of crops are grown in succession on the same piece of land. Various kinds of plants absorb and release various nutrients from and to the soil. Planting a wide range of crops also retains the fertility of the soil. Planting various plants also offer support for a wide range of beneficial insects, microorganisms and wild plants that lead to enhanced biodiversity. Conventional farms in contrast plant only one plant species on the soil so that they might need to use just a small type of fertilizer and the same kind of machinery which all lead to reduced production costs.

Size Of The Farm

The size of the farm is one of the famous organic farming methods. Organic farms make use small sized farms lots as they are very easy to maintain even without the help of machines. Smaller yards also enable a wide range of crops to be grown on the farm at the same time. This makes crop rotation more effectual and increases biodiversity. Having too large farms might cause the want for machines which organic farmers need to avoid as much as possible as they need fuel, and they can cause pollution whenever combusted. This is the reasons why these farms are usually kept on a small scale.

Soil Fertility

This is very essential considering the organic farming methods. These farms revolve around maintenance of the organic nutrient cycle in the soil. These farmers enable organic matter to return to the earth naturally and become plant fertilizers. Soil fertility is essential for sustainability as it make sure that the farm can start to function effectively as a farm even after years.


  1. What is organic farming?

This method of farming does not include pesticides, fertilizers and growth hormones.

  1. What are the advantages of organic farming?

This farming method reduce pollution, save water and lessen soil erosion which increases the soil fertility and consume less energy.

  1. Is this farming method profitable?

The production might be less when compared to the normal agriculture. But the price of these products might be high compared to normal products.

  1. Name some organic farming types?

Pure organic farming, soil management, crop diversity, weed management and integrated farming to name a few.

  1. Is organic farming costly?

Prices might be too much for organic products  and the supply is limited as well.

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