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Ensuring a Womans Safety

If one thing that has been unchanged in the world so far is that the women are unsafe. Even today women have to walk carefully on the road if they want to be safe. Even though measures are taken to ensure women’s safety, it’s not enough. Every individual has to protect themselves. And here are some ways you can do that.

The one thing that make you unreachable is confidence. Men are afraid when you walk without fear. Anybody will think twice before approaching you. Talk very forward with strangers. Don’t be squirmish or mushy. Any sign of vulnerability will open doors for unwanted advances. All trouble comes in the form of a friendly torture. You don’t have to be nice to everyone. Determine your friends and family. And it’s enough to be friendly with them. 

In many situations the warning bell inside us goes haywire. Yet we get through them fine and think that our worry was for nothing. But don’t be casual about it. When the warning bell goes off, listen to it. 

Stay sharp. Give heed to people who are noticing you. Before an offender attacks a victim, he probably will be aiming for her. Looking at what she is upto. So if you notice somebody looking at you more than a few times, it’s trouble. Look for authorities, look for a crowded place. Or just leave. Avoid getting struck alone. Always go to places with your friends or family. Even when you are travelling alone stick with people. 

Even if you get caught by surprise, the main thing is not to panic. Look for ways out. Raise an alarm for help. Aim to hurt them bad. Martial arts, pepper sprays, small blades comes handy in these situations if you don’t panic. If possible, just run. Just keep on looking for a way out. 

Even if nothing works out stay strong mentally. Say to yourself whatever happens you will fight it. That you are not going to give up. Whatever happens you are going to keep on living. And mainly that none of it was your fault. Believe in these things.

Thus ensure safety for yourself through the above methods. And no matter what happens, stay strong. 

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