Regn No 074/1993
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Brindhavan Gaushala




The cow is our Universal Mother; she benefits us with her blessings and bi-products, expecting nothing from us, but grass and gain. Saving cows is saving the nation and the world. All auspiciousness originates from the cow, and the Gods consider them as Goddesses.

Cow is not only looked upon as a source of benefit but also considered as a family member and revered with a motherly status & often called “Gau Mata”. Lord Krishna said “Humans need cows more than cows need humans. Cows need to be protected for humans to survive.” it’s even more relevant today.

What is Gaushala?

Gaushala is referred to as a shelter for cows. It is created with the intention of providing ideal living conditions to domesticated cows where they can thrive. It also works as a rehabilitation centre for injured or sick cows. 

How will Brindhavan Gaushala be different from other gaushalas?

There are over 5000 gaushalas in India. Many of these gaushalas are run as charity institutions and do not provide the ideal conditions for living of cattle. The ratio of cows versus the available land is often too close which does not provide enough space for every cow and does not have proper grazing areas. There are many other challenges like untrained staff, shortage of veterinary doctors, shortage of fodder, insufficient water, poor drainage system and lack of management. 

The Brindhavan Gaushala project is created with the aim of creating ‘home’ for cows with the right environment, ample care, proper management and administration. Mindful of the challenges faced by gaushalas, we will set up gaushalas which are self -sufficient centres and create awareness about the benefits of cows. As we protect the purity of breeds, educate the people, make use of energy sources, create jobs, the system of running gaushalas will automatically thrive. 

The policies of management, care and running of the gaushala centres will be created by a central resource group and the district centres will carry out the execution as per the policy. This will ensure proper supervision of every centre.

Gaushala literally means the home for cows and is meant to rescue, shelter, protect, feed, treat and rehabilitate weak, sick, injured, handicapped and abandoned homeless cattle.

AWBI Certificate 


This objective of the Brindhavan Gaushala Project is directed towards the Gautama or cows which will inhibit our gaushala and bring the dreams to reality. As much as we benefit from them, we also need to provide them freedom to live in a comfortable and safe environment and respect their life. Our staff will be trained to properly look after the cows and their comfort. 

We focus to provide the following five freedoms to the cows in our gaushalas:

  1. Freedom from hunger & thirst– Our gaushalas will be designed to provide ample drinking water and appropriate diet to all cows so they can thrive with good health.
  2. Freedom from pain & disease– Our gaushalas will have veterinary doctors on premises to take care of the cows. This will ensure timely treatment for any disease or injury.
  3. Freedom from discomfort– The sheds in gaushala will be designed with ample sunlight and ample space for all cows and separate resting areas for pregnant & sick cows. This will ensure that every cow has space to move around and rest in comfort.
  4. Freedom from fear- Our aim is to provide an environment close to nature that relieves cows from any fear or distress and avoid mental suffering.
  5. Freedom to express– The Brindhavan gaushalas will have a facility that will ensure cows can express their normal behaviour, mingle with fellow cows and behave like they natural surroundings.




  • Establish 50 Brindhavan Gaushalas in 50 different rural locations in INDIA by the year 2025. This will establish the significance of GOMATA to all human society.
  • Maximum 20000 Cows will be maintained by this 50 Brindhavan Gaushalas, This will promote Cow based economic in rural areas.
  • 30 Brindhavan Gaushalas from 30 selected Districts of 37 districts in TAMIL NADU State.
  • 20 Brindhavan Gaushalas in various rural areas in the states of Karnataka, Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Utter Pradesh, Maharashtra, West Bengal, Haryana, Bihar, Sikkim and Pondichery.
  • Develop 5 Model Brindhavan Gaushala with minimum of 1000cows per centre.
  • Develop 45 Brindhavan Gaushalas with minimum 300 Cows per centre.
  • Create the job opportunities for approx. 1400 rural women and 600 Men to empower them economically,
  • Organic Fanning and feed management system will be developed for Cow Feeds in various locations which will increase prosperity of local farmers.
  • Free Education for 3000 children of Brindhavan Gaushala Employees and others.
  • Free Green Clinic and Ayurvedic pharmacy in every Brindavan Gaushala as Social Health Care activity to provide health remedies in every locality.
  • Create and motivate cow-based entrepreneurship and earn not only from products like milk and ghee, but also by-products like urine and dung that can be used for medicinal and agricultural purposes,
  • Bio Gas and Bio fertilizer plant will be installed in Model Brindhavan Gaushalas to generate Electricity, to supply bio fertilizer and bio pesticide at affordable price.





The main objective of our BRINDHAVAN GAUSHALA PROJECT is to protect the native breeds of cows and to spread awareness of the same in the interest of our nation.

The Indian breeds of cows are a crucial part of the country’s ecological heritage. In the past, these breeds were developed in different parts of the subcontinent by selecting the best animals for their preferred traits such as milking capacity, draught power, feeding requirements, capacity to adapt to local weather, immunity, etc. The purity of such breeds was maintained with great discipline and wisdom in each breeding tract.

We focus to secure our children’s future by saving our Indian breed of cows, to Develop and Promote our Indian Breed of Cattle.

To increase the population of Indian Desi cows to develop the food security and to save our country from foreign dominance.

We create the awareness to public and government doing our best to promote our indigenous cow, its benefits and values.

We provide well organized cow shelters (Gausbatas) to save our Indian cows and to educate the importance of values of our Indian Culture, providing a dean and well equipped infrastructure where the public can participate in their efforts by way of

  • GAUADOPTION ( Adopting a Cow)
  • Care taker of a Cow for an Year
  • Per day Meal provider
  • Facility to Perform GAUPOOJA
  • Volunteering to Promote benefits of Cow Urine and Cow Dung




Economically empowering women by creating more job opportunities thru our Gaushala activities in all Rural areas.

We understand that, According to the World Economic Forum’s “Global Gender Gap Report 2017”, India’s ranking has fallen by 21 places from last year. Not only are we currently far below the global average but also behind our neighbours China and Bangladesh.

One of the areas where we have fared poorly is in wages and participation of women in the economy where our rank is an abysmal 139. This is not the first report to highlight the plight of our women. In fact, as per the World Bank report, we have one of the lowest workforce female participation rates, ranking 120th among 131.

A possible and optimistic explanation could be that with rising household income, women now have the opportunity to choose leisure over work, especially in Gaushalas and focus on their families. However, research has shown that when women have access to more work opportunities, they gladly take them.

We have designed the policy to give 70:30 Job ratio in all our Gaushlas, Providing 70% job opportunity to Women and 30% to Men to handle the areas where the Muscle power is needed.

Establishing our Gaushalas in 30 rural areas in TAMIL NADU and 20 rural areas in other states in INDIA to create stable job opportunities for women, she will be provided with good quality and even safe working conditions, decent wages and statutory benefits like social security. By providing the job opportunity, improving their quality of life, enhancing a woman’s control over household decision-making and enabling her to lead a life of dignity.

We will create encourage women to go for cow-based entrepreneurship and earn not only from products like milk and ghee, but also by-products like urine and dung that can be used for medicinal and agricultural purposes. Multi point sales counters will be opened in various rural and urban areas and same will be run only by Women.


First phase we will provide Free Education to all the children from the families of our Gaushala Employees with the support of income generated from the Gaushala and the getting donations from interested public and organization.

More than 2000 employees will be engaged in all our planned Gaushalas, we will provide free education nearly 3000 Children from the employee’s family and others.


People in the agricultural field have come to realize that organic farming can produce good quality food without adversely affecting human health and at the same time, improving the environment and soil fertility, leading to a manifold increase in demand of organic food among consumers. The consumers, having realized the great advantages, are now ready to pay for the high-priced but good quality organic products. The conventional growers too seem quite impressed by the organic farming concept, and have started to adopt it seriously. If properly studied and implemented, organic farming can be established on a large scale throughout the nation, thereby producing large quantity of food for exporting to the international markets. Such opportunities will indirectly provide employment to the youth of the nation and bring peace and prosperity to every region of the country.


It is common knowledge that agriculture has been the backbone of several developing countries since ancient times. Before the advent of chemical fertilizers and tractors, cows were the only source that helped in all aspects of agriculture. From tilling the land, to distribution of manure, the cow and its waste was the mainstay of crop production.

 Realization is slowly dawning among the contemporary farming community, and they are now reverting to go with organic farming that is absolutely hazard-free. We are working hard to educate the locals regarding the merits of cow and its impact on the agriculture. Our volunteers are teaching people to take up the cow based method of organic farming, which is the only solution for a healthy and prosperous tomorrow.


Hindu literature Veda gives great value to cow, treating as a mother and a greater part of this universe for purifying the devils to impure airs and environments.

Most of our people are prefer cow urine, milk, curd, dunk, and ghee with higher priority. Cow is regarded as mother in our ever time culture.

Behind this it’s eco-friendly without any bad effect it’s very useful to human, animals, soil and the environment where we exist.

To our health care, the urine of Cow is panacea of all disease so; it is a divine agent to treat migraine, asthma, psoriasis, diabetes, hypertension, eczema, heart attack, acidity, ulcer, constipation, menstrual problem, piles, cancer, arthritis, thyroid, prostate, burns, and many more.

Used as bin enhancer to our mother land, It fix nitrogen level of soil, pesticide, antibacterial, antifungal, parricidal for fodder corps etc.

The cow urine contains most of the needed micro elements for human, thus using it helps

to balance needed trace minerals and other agents to make healthy and cure incurable diseases. Behind this various use and benefits of cow milk, dunk, curd, and ghee are reported.

We will create an infrastructure to Research the benefits of Cow Urine and Cow Dung to serve the human society to live healthy life.

Green Clinic – Will develop 50 Green Clinic in which we will offer free Ayurvedic diagnosis and treatment clinic at our Gaushala for the general public, and educate them the benefit of Cow, Cow Urine, Cow Dung and milk products.