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Empowering Women For Entrepreneurship Development


Empowering Women For Entrepreneurship Development

Introducing legal reforms to make sure equal rights of women to ownership, inheritance and financial control; with a reinforcing view to their special skills and benefits and gripping them for quick and long – term macro – economic gains, at both national and local levels. Reprioritizing official expenditure models and

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Why Cows Are Considered Sacred By Hindus?

The protection and veneration of cows by Hindus is a well-established fact in India and all over the world where Hindus live. Thee causative force easily comprehended by people all over the universe lies in the cow’s nature of selfless beneficence and non – violence. The reverence of this informative

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The Different Methods Of Organic Farming

Organic farming methods synthesize the modern technology strengths and traditional farming together with the science if ecology to create effectual agricultural techniques that make high yields of healthy crops without causing harm to the environment. It aims to maintain the natural ecological balance to the environment during the whole farming

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Old Age Home – Choosing The Right One

Choosing an old age home is very essential than choosing a new house or any kind of flat for oneself, as moving into an old age home or assisted living place includes the various different characters who are already staying there, as well as the staff concerned. One must make

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Crack your shell create your future – keethusm

“CRACK YOUR SHELL” What kind of title is this? It sounds ridiculous right? But it will actually make sense A Boy who born with an extremely rare autosomal congenital disorder known as Tetra-amelia syndrome which is characterized by absence of four limbs now became an author, painter, swimmer, sky-driver successful

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Support Your Home Maker’s Dream

Whenever you step into a middle class, you will see one busy should running to take care of everybody. She will be making food in the kitchen, at the same time she will be getting the kids ready for school, and serving tea for the elders, finding lost things. She

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What you gain from volunteering

Volunteering is giving your time and effort to do a greater good without expecting anything in return. You may help the people in need, you may fight for a cause, you may share your knowledge, etc. All without expecting any form of payment. Because of that people consider volunteering as

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Keeping Up With Environmental Maintenance

You are your environment. It is not something different from you. How your environment is will represent how you are. Your health, your wealth, your mind will all be affected by your environment. And it is very important to keep the environment clean. Recycle your garbage.  One of the things

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Ensuring a Womans Safety

If one thing that has been unchanged in the world so far is that the women are unsafe. Even today women have to walk carefully on the road if they want to be safe. Even though measures are taken to ensure women’s safety, it’s not enough. Every individual has to

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